Sobre outlook
http://www.outlook.comO Calendário do Microsoft Outlook, um componente do Outlook.com dentro do Small Office Online (distinto do Microsoft Office Outlook), é um serviço de calendário baseado na web desenvolvido pela Microsoft, sucessor do Hotmail. Além de fornecer acesso a e-mails IMAP e POP3, o Calendário do Microsoft Outlook integra-se perfeitamente a várias redes sociais, como o bate-papo do Facebook, aprimorando sua funcionalidade além dos serviços de calendário tradicionais.
Is TrackingTime easy to connect with Microsoft Outlook Calendar?
Yes, there is no setup required. In just a few clicks, you can sync your Microsoft Outlook Calendar events with TrackingTime. Choose which calendar to import events from and visualize it on TrackingTime.
How does Microsoft Outlook Calendar time tracking work?
VIsualize all your events on TrackingTime, only to log your hours once you've completed them, asigning a project and task as needed.
Can I connect to Microsoft Outlook Calendar using TrackingTime’s free plan?
Yes, TrackingTime allows you to connect with Microsoft Outlook Calendar when you’re on the free plan.
What is Microsoft Outlook Calendar useful for?
Working with Microsoft Outlook Calendar helps you with team communication, meeting agendas, brainstorming, sharing files, and creating shared calendars, while keeping track of every hour by connecting with TrackingTime.